When the question arises who was the first brewery to bottle beer in San Francisco, the answer is invariably I have no clue as some enterprising forty-niner brewed some beer and bottled it, but the bottles were never embossed so if would be impossible to confirm any claim. But if you refine the question as to who was the first to bottle beer in their own embossed bottles, we can narrow it down to three possibilities as follows: The Swan Brewery is listed as an operating a Brewery in San Francisco from 1874-1881, it is listed under bottlers in 1875, 1877 and again in 1881. The Wilmot Brewing Company is only listed as being in the Brewery Business from 1877-1880 with no additional listings under bottlers. The final potential candidate is Feldman & Co. an extremely rare bottle listed under bottlers in 1877 only. I am not sure anyone can say with certainty that the Swan Brewery was the first to bottle in their own embossed bottles, but I can say with certainty it was one of these three companies.